Workplace Violence Prevention - Blog

  1. Hiring a Workplace Violence Prevention Expert: Mistakes to Avoid

    Hiring a Workplace Violence Prevention Expert: Mistakes to Avoid

    This post explores the nuances of selecting the right workplace violence prevention contractor and how to ensure that the expertise you pay for genuinely fortifies your approach to addressing this important topic. 

  2. CA SB 553: March 2024 CAL/OSHA Update

    CA SB 553: March 2024 CAL/OSHA Update

    On March 5, 2024, CAL/OSHA provided additional guidance for employers regarding implementation of CA SB 553, including providing a generic template for a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that is compliant with the new law.  

  3. Business Team Discussing Workplace Violence Prevention

    WPV Prevention: Is Your Plan Active or Idle?

    This post explains why organizations must ensure their CA SB 553 Workplace Violence Prevention Plans are not static documents, but rather are dynamic frameworks that empower every level of an organization to proactively address workplace violence.

  4. How workplace violence prevention training benefits employees

    Infographic: WPV Training Makes a Powerful Difference

    This infographic explains how we combine research and instructional design expertise to create engaging courses that change behavior, the power behind our ground-breaking Atana Insights analytics engine, and much more.

  5. Workplace Violence Document in Courtroom Setting

    California Senate Bill 553 Workplace Violence Program Mandate

    Written by experts in workplace violence prevention, this post provides a helpful explanation of California Senate Bill 553 and what employers need to do to comply.

  6. Workplace Violence Prevention Training eBook

    Workplace Violence Prevention Training eBook

    This research-based eBook by subject expert James Sporleder helps make the case for a comprehensive workplace violence prevention and intervention program.

  7. Why Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Training Matters

    Why Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Training Matters

    Organizations intent on keeping people safe experience 5 key benefits when they conduct effective workplace violence prevention and response training.  Learn the benefits and how they impact employees and organizations.

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