Courses / Once & For All

Once & For All

Sexual Harassment Training Course

9-time award-winning sexual harassment prevention training vetted by one of the largest law firms in the U.S. and backed by a 200% compliance guarantee.

45 minutes (Employee) 60 minutes (Manager)
(or training time set by state/city law)

4 Course Modules (Employee), 5 Course Modules (Manager)

Employee and Manager Versions   English and Spanish

State, City and International Versions

Is your sexual harassment training compliant and effective?

Once & For All is designed to end inappropriate behaviors in the workplace while empowering employees to stand up for themselves and others. Compliant in all fifty states, the course modules meet requirements while featuring engaging videos, practical instruction, and multiple types of questions to measure learners’ knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes around desired behaviors.

Learning Goals

Following Once & For All  training, your employees and managers will:

  • Recognize the difference between welcome and unwelcome behavior.
  • Understand the prominent forms of workplace sexual harassment.
  • Use practical strategies to properly handle a sexual harassment situation—whether they are the target or a witness and whether the perpetrator is a manager, co-worker, or third party. 
  • Speak up about inappropriate behaviors.
  • Set and maintain professional boundaries. 
  • Seek support from a manager or HR when needed.
  • Understand the legalities around reporting and retaliation.


Measure Success with Atana Insights

  • A 5-minute pre-measurement module establishes a baseline of attitudes on and awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace topics.
  • Atana aggregates your learners’ responses to questions in the course related to desired workplace actions (such as reporting inappropriate behavior and setting professional boundaries). All data is anonymized.
  • Using the gathered data, Atana Insights creates a benchmark of strengths and weaknesses within your organization’s culture and compares your results to national averages.
  • Your organization receives actionable next steps that are proven to drive real, measurable, and positive change at scale.

Measure Success with Atana Insights

  • Atana aggregates your learners’ responses to questions in the course related to desired workplace actions (such as reporting inappropriate behavior and setting professional boundaries). All data is anonymized.
  • Using the gathered data, Atana Insights creates a benchmark of strengths and weaknesses within your organization’s culture and compares your results to national averages.
  • Your organization receives actionable next steps that are proven to drive real, measurable, and positive change at scale.

Course Details

The course is divided into five separate modules.

    • Module 1: Quid Pro Quo

      Enables learners to: 

      • Know the definition of quid pro quo as a form of sexual harassment.
      • Recognize what to do if they’ve been harassed, are uncomfortable by someone's conduct, or are retaliated against.
      • Understand the legalities of quid pro quo workplace sexual harassment.
      • Seek support from management or HR.
      • Acknowledge the reasons why employees may be afraid to speak up.
      • Feel like they can speak up about inappropriate behaviors and know the importance of being part of the solution.
      • Understand the potential job implications of submitting to or rejecting quid pro quo sexual harassment.

      Training time: 14 minutes

    • Module 2: Hostile Work Environment

      Enables learners to: 

      • Know the definition of a hostile work environment and how it impacts the workplace.
      • Be motivated to build a culture of respect in their workplace.
      • Recognize how to stop inappropriate conduct before it becomes sexual harassment.
      • Speak up to the offender when conduct of a sexual nature makes them uncomfortable.
      • Be an upstander and show support to colleagues who are experiencing unwelcome conduct.
      • Speak to a manager or HR if they have been harassed, made uncomfortable by someone's conduct, or retaliated against.

      Training time: 16 minutes 

    • Module 3: Hostile Work Environment from a Third Party

      Enables learners to: 

      • Know the definition of sexual harassment from a third party.
      • Recognize if they are a target of demeaning conduct based on gender or unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature from a third party.
      • Speak to a manager or HR if they have been a target of unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by a third party.

      Training time:  6 minutes

    • Module 4: Hostile Work Environment When You're Not the Target

      Enables learners to: 

      • Know the definition of a hostile work environment when you’re not the target of the sexual harassment.
      • Accept that their words and actions can have an impact beyond their intent.
      • Filter what they say and do to help ensure their behaviors are respectful.
      • Speak to a manager or HR if they have witnessed unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature or retaliation.
      • Recognize behaviors that foster a respectful work culture.

      Training time: 5 minutes

    • Module 5: Stopping Inappropriate Conduct and Handling a Complaint (Managers Only)

      Enables learners to: 

      • Stop inappropriate or demeaning conduct, or conduct that is sexual in nature, when they become aware of it.
      • Be a proactive leader and encourage team members to be upstanders instead of bystanders.
      • Communicate clear standards that promote a respectful work environment and convey that sexual harassment is not tolerated in the workplace.
      • Know the steps for handling employee complaints and reporting them to HR.
      • Understand the liability of managers for sexual harassment in the workplace and know the consequences of ignoring or dismissing complaints of inappropriate conduct.
      • Realize the importance of limited confidentiality and protection from retaliation for complainants.
      • Understand the manager's role in handling complaints against non-employees.

      Training time: 15 minutes

    Modules are not sold separately.

    Manager Course

    Because of the critical role managers play in stopping sexual harassment, the manager version of Once & For All includes all of the content in the employee version plus a 15-minute Stopping Inappropriate Conduct and Handling a Complaint module. The course covers:

    • The manager’s role in creating a culture of respect—becoming a proactive leader.
    • Understanding how to handle employee complaints and the consequences of ignoring complaints.
    • Communicating the expectation that sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated in the workplace.

    200% Compliance Guarantee Stamp200% Compliance Guarantee Stamp

    Once & For All Meets Harassment Training Requirements in all 50 states

    To meet the requirements of states and cities with expanded sexual harassment prevention training laws, the following regional versions are available. CA, CO, DC, CT, DE, IL, ME, MD, NY, TX, WA, and VT. Canadian and International versions are also available.

    To learn what states requires sexual harassment training and how Once & For All meets those harassment training requirements check out our interactive Compliance Guide and Requirements Matrix.

    Easy-to-Deploy eLearning

    9x Award-winning Content

    Behavioral Insights

    Measurement for Impact Tracking

    Regular Updates

    “strongly aligns with our core values as a company”

    The training is something we feel strongly aligns with our core values as a company. We wanted to be able to share those ideas with our employees in ways that are in line with the diversity & inclusion course.
    Angela Leavell, Director eLearning and Development, Hard Rock International

    “high-quality content with the ability to capture and hold people's attention"

    I found products that were engaging and got the learning points across. Their training products combine high-quality content with the ability to capture and hold people's attention.
    Rob Highfill, Director of Customer Solutions, Frontline Insurance

    “Courses are always engaging, even on historically dry topics"

    We’ve been using Atana almost 4 years now. Other training providers usually just check the box. But Atana is always engaging, bringing humor and entertainment to even historically dry topics.
    Renee Frisk-Jones, Senior Manager - Enterprise Learning Experience & Solutions, Harbor Freight

    “Atana enables us to identify what impact these courses have on our people and our business"

    Tracking impact and ROI for our L&D and HR initiatives is historically difficult. Atana enables us to identify what impact these courses have on our people and our business.
    Renee Frisk-Jones, Senior Manager - Enterprise Learning Experience & Solutions, Harbor Freight


    • Accolade Global Film Competition – Award of Excellence
    • AVA Digital Awards – Platinum
    • Hermes Digital Creative Award – Platinum
    • Telly Award – Silver
    • Stevie® (American Business) Awards– Silver
    • Videographer Awards – Award of Excellence
    • Marcom Awards – Platinum
    • Brandon Hall Group, HCM Excellence Award 
      • L&D, Gold "Best Customer Training"
      • L&D, Bronze "Best Compliance Training"

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