Atana Insights

Atana Insights is the most powerful
behavioral analytics engine in the market.

Driving Behavior Change with Data

Atana Insights is a proprietary analytics engine that generates data-driven insights from engagement with our award-winning content. Its scientifically proven action steps drive real, measurable, and positive change at scale.

Reveals key insights into the why behind employee behaviors

Measures organizational progress over time

Compares employees versus managers, as well as national averages

Provides resources to help you determine the next steps for addressing issues

Only Atana Insights has the real numbers to give HR and Learning & Development teams the data to quantify the value of their efforts.

Measuring Success

We measure key performance indicators, including behaviors and competencies, that are directly tied to ROI. From attitudes to abilities, every insight we track fosters stronger employee engagement, innovation, and productivity. Your Atana Insights dashboard then provides a high-level view of how your organization is doing based all the data and analysis we’ve gathered.

A sampling of our current competencies includes:

Fostering Inclusivity

See how committed your employees are to creating an inclusive work environment. This competency measures whether or not your employees understand unconscious bias and how it affects their own and other people’s perspectives. With a strong understanding of unconscious biases, your team will be better prepared to create an environment where individuals feel valued and respected.

Accepting Accountability & Ownership

Better understand how much your employees are open and contributing to an inclusive workplace culture. We measure their ability to recognize, acknowledge, and manage biases while maintaining professional boundaries and establishing a shared sense of responsibility for supporting a positive, healthy work environment.

Promoting Collaborative Civility

Help your employees offer each other mutual support and feel safe in managing biases and addressing harassment. This competency helps you gauge how well your team is communicating and trusts one another, and what improvements you can make to maximize their collaborative potential and nurture respectful interactions.

Developing Leadership

Gauge how well your employees are working toward your organizational goals including protecting the physical and mental wellbeing of themselves and each other. This can help assess the effectiveness of management practices, equip existing leaders to support and reinforce desired workplace behaviors, and develop new leaders to foster a culture of responsible and ethical conduct.

Why Measuring Matters

Measurement is transformed into actionable next steps.

Atana Insights gathers data from your employees’ interactions with our award-winning content and turns them into insights that lead to action steps supported by science.

Actionable next steps then influence and change mindsets.

Atana Insights closes the action gap. Without it, you simply have metrics—leaving you wondering what to do next. Our insights are scientifically-driven, providing the ability to influence and change mindsets.

Changed mindsets produce quantifiable ROI.

Our analytics yield meaningful insights and a quantifiable impact on ROI and business goals.

We've got the numbers on our side, and you can too.

Sign up for a free demo of Atana Insights to see how real change is really measured.