L&D Trends

  1. Leader demonstrating a new task to associate reflecting a learning culture

    Organizational Learning Culture: What, Why and How

    A learning culture is crucial for a thriving organizational environment. This post explains why and provides 6 steps for strengthening or creating a culture of learning in your workplace.

  2. Female mentoring another female

    How a Power Mentor Turns "What If" into "What's Next"

    Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful people on the planet. Although her hard work and talents greatly contributed to her immense popularity, Oprah actually credits much of her meteoric rise to a key mentor early in her career. 

  3. Diverse work group having a discussion in a conference room

    It’s Mid-Year: Do You Know Where Your L&D Priorities Are?

    This post prompts a mid-year review of L&D opportunities identified in January. It includes examples of potential organizational actions and supporting resources for turning these possibilities into realities for your organization.

  4. Young woman at work desk looking frustrated

    How Toxic Workplaces Are Driving Away the Future Workforce

    A toxic workplace culture can stem from many different causes. And, while this type of culture is harmful to all employees, younger employees are less likely to put up with it. Here are 5 suggested actions leaders can take to restore a postive, respectful work environment.

  5. Female leader with team

    Putting L&D's Four Critical Themes into Motion

    In this follow-up post, HR thought-leader Steve Goldberg offers examples of specific things L&D can do to help their organizatons improve in 4 crucial areas: Agility, Employee Engagement, Change Management and Employer Brand.

  6. 4 Steps to Addressing Mental Health

    4 Steps to Addressing Mental Health

    I’m a senior executive. I am an advanced pickleball player. I am an accomplished musician. Ya know what…those came to mind before I even thought of father, son, friend, mentor, etc. 

  7. 3 business leaders around a table looking at data

    Using In-Context Analytics to Enhance Employee Engagement Data

    Engagement surveys, while valuable, have limitations. To gain comprehensive insights into employee perceptions, organizations should supplement survey findings with in-context employee data, such as that available through Atana's eLearning courses and corresponding Atana Insights dashboard.

  8. Unlocking Human Brilliance, Against All Odds

    Unlocking Human Brilliance, Against All Odds

    Learn why leaders often miss team member potential and how, by developing leaders, you unlock human ingenuity and drive the organization forward.

  9. Male and female co-workers having a tense discussion

    Addressing Inconsistent Standards in the Workplace

    To ensure employees speak up against harassment, standards of behavior must be applied consistently in the workplace. Here are 7 strategies leaders can use.

  10. Person pointing at holographic images representing different aspects of business such as people and productivity

    Making the Business Case for L&D: Four Critical Themes

    HR thought leader Steve Goldberg presents 4 strategic themes underlying the business case for organizational L&D: enterprise agility, the importance of employee productivity and engagement, driving successful business and digital transformations, and the role of employer brand in talent imperatives. 

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