Illinois Sexual Harassment Training

Illinois Sexual Harassment Training

What are the Illinois Sexual Harassment Training Requirements?

The Workplace Transparency Act, an amendment to the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), requires employers to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees every year. The law applies to all employers regardless of size, and includes all workers, including short-term, part-time, and interns. All employees who work or will work in Illinois must be trained, regardless of where their employer is based. Likewise, employees who are based outside of Illinois, but who regularly interact with other employees in Illinois, should also be trained.

The Laws

  • Section 2-109(B) of the IHRA requires employers to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees annually
  • Section 2-110(B) requires restaurants and bar employers to provide a copy of a sexual harassment prevention policy to all employees
  • Section 2-110(C) of the IHRA requires restaurant and bar employers to provide supplemental sexual harassment prevention training annually (in addition to the training required of all employers)

Employee Requirement  

  • Annual training
  • New employees must be trained as soon as possible after hire

Manager Requirement  

  • Annual training
  • New supervisors and managers must be trained as soon as possible after hire or assuming supervisory position 

Additional Requirements in IL  

  • Definition of sexual harassment based on the IHRA
  • Examples of behaviors that constitute unlawful sexual harassment
  • Remedies available to victims of sexual harassment
  • Complaint process and contact information Employer actions and prevention
  • Manager responsibilities

Additional Requirements for Restaurants and Bars in IL  

  • Supplemental training content related to restaurant and bar industry
  • An explanation of manager liability and responsibility

What are the Chicago Sexual Harassment Training Requirements?

In April 2022, Chicago revised its sexual harassment laws to make them stronger and to uphold zero tolerance of violence and harassment in the workplace.  These changes require Chicago employers to go beyond sexual harassment prevention training requirements mandated by the state of Illinois.

Sexual harassment training for Chicago employees must now run one hour, while training for Chicago managers must run 2 hours.  Employees must also receive an hour of training on the topic of Bystander Intervention. This training must be conducted annually. To see the specific Illinois state and Chicago city training mandates, and how they are met by Once & For All, see our Interactive Compliance Guide and Requirements Matrix below.


Does Atana's Sexual Harassment Training Comply with Illinois and Chicago Mandates? 

Yes. Atana's comprehensive Illinois and Chicago sexual harassment prevention training solutions are fully compliant and even come with a 200% compliance guarantee. 

Once & For All Course Features

  • Practical instruction on how to recognize, understand, and handle harassment situations properly
  • Relatable and engaging scenarios overcome learner resistance and are proven to change behavior
  • Expertly designed in-course assessments and knowledge checks capture attitudes and behavioral intent
  • Dashboard to track progress and impact
  • 200% compliance guarantee 
  • 7x award-winning interactive course

Watch the Trailer

How Our Chicago Supplements Meet Added Training Requirements

Our Chicago sexual harassment prevention training solution is comprised of course components. Employees and managers progress through mandated topics in an order that facilitates learning and meets the training times stipulated by the Chicago law.

  • 1. Once & For All, Illinois

    Illinois course covers

    • all state sexual harassment training requirements mandated in Illinois 
    • types of sexual harassment 
    • why and how to speak up 
    • ways to build a culture of respect
    • how to handle a complaint (Manager)

    Course Time:

    • Employee 45 minute 
    • Manager 1 hour
  • 2. Once & For All, Chicago

    Chicago course covers

    • Chicago definitions of sexual harassment, inappropriate sexual conduct, and sexual misconduct
    • Chicago reporting options
    • Guidelines of Sexual Harassment Prevention and 3 Responsibilities of Chicago Employers (Manager)

    Course Time:  

    • Employee 15 minutes
    • Manager 1 hour
  • 3. Bystander Intervention

    Bystander Intervention covers

    • what bystander intervention means
    • why it's important to speak up if you witness harassment at work
    • how to use the CARE model 
    • understanding and overcoming the "Bystander Effect", a hesitancy to act

    Course Time:

    • Employee 1 hour
    • Manager 1 hour

Questions? Contact us at 800-408-5657, submit an inquiry, or message us in the chat window.


Illinois and Chicago Course Previews

(Must be logged in to watch. If you don't have a log-in, please create an account.)

Note: Once & For All, Illinois is fully interactive eLearning. The course previews below show how a learner would progress through the course. They do not include all the behavioral and knowledge-based questions. To demo the Illinois eLearning courses in their entirety,  contact us.


Illinois Employee Course

Illinois Manager Course

Chicago Employee Supplemental Course

Employees having workplace conversation with text: Chicago Once & For All:Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work

Chicago Manager Supplmental Course

Employees having workplace conversation with text: Manager Version, Chicago, Once & For All:Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work,

Power of Bystander Intervention Supplemental Course

Woman holding up hand to signal stop.  Text says Power of Bystander Intervention, for employees and managers in Chicago

Once & For All  meets sexual harassment training requirements and more by:


  • Teaching desired workplace behaviors, such as speaking up about inappropriate behaviors, setting and maintaining professional boundaries, and seeking support from a manager or HR when needed.
  • Providing a pre-measurement module that captures a baseline of your organization’s knowledge and stance on sexual harassment prevention.
  • Delivering actionable insights that will enable your organization to identify opportunities for growth on desirable outcomes.
  • Offering a powerful Manager course (as well as Employee version) that zeroes in on changing the behaviors of managers who must effectively handle sexual harassment complaints and set the tone for a respectful workplace.


Image of a stamp with text: 200% compliance guarantee, sexual harassment trainingImage of a stamp with text: 200% compliance guarantee, sexual harassment training
Image of a stamp with text: 200% compliance guarantee, sexual harassment trainingImage of a stamp with text: 200% compliance guarantee, sexual harassment training

Once & For All  meets sexual harassment training requirements and more by:


  • Teaching desired workplace behaviors, such as speaking up about inappropriate behaviors, setting and maintaining professional boundaries, and seeking support from a manager or HR when needed.
  • Providing a pre-measurement module that captures a baseline of your organization’s knowledge and stance on sexual harassment prevention.
  • Delivering actionable insights that will enable your organization to identify opportunities for growth on desirable outcomes.
  • Offering a powerful Manager course (as well as Employee version) that zeroes in on changing the behaviors of managers who must effectively handle sexual harassment complaints and set the tone for a respectful workplace.


Multi-State Deployment

If your organization has employees in Illinois as well as in states with a different or no sexual harassment training mandate, we will work with you to ensure the most effective deployment possible. Many organizations in this situation train employees with state-version courses where needed, then use general courses for staff in states without mandates.  Other versions of Once & For All include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Chicago, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New York, Texas, Vermont, and Washington.

See ourInteractive Compliance Guide and Requirements Matrix for specifics on how Once & For All meets Illinois, and other, state training mandates.