Positive communication at work

Build Your Positive Communication Skills


Attitude is contagious. When our attitude is positive, the things we say will generally cultivate positivity. When our attitude is negative, the opposite occurs.

When our goal is to positively influence others, the words we choose and the tone we use matter greatly. This free activity is designed to give you practice in taking statements from a negative to positive tone.

Accentuate the Positive Activity WorksheetAccentuate the Positive Activity Worksheet

Remember: The responsibility for changing attitude lies solely with each of us. This “Accentuate the POSITIVE,” worksheet is a tool for anyone who wishes to increase positivity, change their attitude and their thinking, and reap the benefits of doing so.

If you are a manager with a staff member whose negative attitude is bringing down the team,  read our article Attitude vs. Behavior. This article explains why you must focus on behavior, not attitude, when addressing performance issues and gives some examples of how to do so. Training on attitude and behavior helps to motivate the whole team and bring them together with respect for each others' ideas and attributes.